A La Carte Tutorial Packs

The zero-stress way to launch your business.

Launching a business is a BIG project, and there is a lot to learn. My tutorial packs save you time researching and noodling around trying to figure out how everything works. Let me support you in getting YOUR WORK out there so you can focus on what you do best!


Choose what you need

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Online Scheduler Tutorials

I have created Squarespace Scheduling (Acuity) online scheduling set-up and integration tutorials so clients can book and pay for your classes, appointments and monthly memberships.

$97 was $250


Copywriting workbook + meditations

I’ll guide you through the process of drafting the copy for your website with a recorded meditation to align with your core purpose and your ideal client. A printable workbook that accompanies the meditation allows you to pause the meditation and write as you go through the process.



 Meet The Designer

Sarah Berkeley and her dog Hope

Hi there!

This is me with my darling dog, Hope.

I am an efficiency nerd, web designer, and conceptual artist. I started my career as a UI/UX designer in New York City. I have 20 years of experience teaching a wide range of learners from higher education to kindergarten in the United States and abroad. So you know I will explain things clearly!

I am the founder of Expansive Media, a digital marketing agency that works exclusively with compassionate businesses.  I combine my strategic thinking, tech and art skills through Expansive Media. My passion for well-being and community is channeled into working with clients who make the world a better place.

So you can rest easy that my design work is top-notch, here’s a bit about formal qualifications. I have a MFA in Art + Design from the University of Michigan and a BFA in Studio Art from the University of Nebraska. I’ve even taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the top-ranked art school in the U.S.! I am really proud that many of my students have gone on to create successful businesses.


My tutorial packs gives you major support to launch your business without stress and without breaking the bank. 

Convert your website visitors into customers

My About Page Checklist will help you maximize the potential of one of the most visited pages on your website.